9 November 2013
The Art of Translation
Three translations of a poem by T'ao Ch'ien (Tao Qian)
365 AD - 427 AD
Return to My Country Home # 3
The weeds flourish but not the bean sprouts.
Morning, I get up to weed the fields.
I return, shouldering the moon and my hoe.
On narrow paths through thick grass and brush
evening dew soaks my clothes,
but wet clothes don't bother me
so long as I follow my heart.
Translated by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping
Returning to the Fields and Gardens (II)
I plant beans below the southern hill:
there grasses flourish and bean sprouts are sparse.
At dawn, I get up, clear out a growth of weeds,
then go back, leading the moon, a hoe over my left shoulder.
Now the path is narrow, grasses and bushes are high.
Evening dew moistens my clothes;
but so what if my clothes are wet -
I choose not to avoid anything that comes.
Translated by Arthur Sze
I planted beans below South Mountain.
A few sprouted, then brush took over.
I get up early to clear weeds, and
shouldering my hoe, return by moonlight.
The path is narrow, the brush and trees
thick, evening dew pierces my clothes.
But they're not too wet - just damp
enough it reminds me never to resist.
Translated by David Hinton
The translator's art never ceases to surprise me - how varied the outcome can be; the possible nuances or leanings or fixations on meanings; alternate translations carrying distinct stamps and melodies - sometimes altering the very nature of the original poem itself.
This poem of T'ao Ch'ien's is from
Home Again Among Gardens and Fields
Arthur Sze: Silk Dragon: Translations from the Chinese
Copper Canyon Press (2001)
David Hinton: The Selected Poems of T'ao Ch'ien
Copper Canyon Press (2000)
2 November 2013
An Abundance of Apples
This year the autumn season has offered an abundance of fruits and nuts. We've gathered hazel nuts, acorns and crab apples from several locations near to us here in southern Cumbria, and have planted them, both in pots and in various protected spots throughout the landscape, hoping to have seedlings arise in the spring.
In September we came across a local organic Community Orchard, filled with an incredible selection of apple trees, but also plums, damsons and quince. We were so very grateful to return home with our pockets filled - we baked two beautiful apple crumbles with our bounty. Surely every community should invest in creating orchards and other communal edible landscapes - what an abundant, healthy world this could be if such a simple practice was adopted by all.
Yesterday, out on a walk across from the cottage, we found two wild crab apple trees growing amidst the rocks and scrub grasses, their pale green apples littering the earth below them, enriching the soil and offering an abundance of food for wildlife.
Planting as many edible native trees and shrubs as possible, especially here in this very much deforested landscape, is one of our passions. We can only hope the seedlings will survive the harsh winds and sheep-grazing during their first few years of growth - and then be able to seed themselves in the future.
In September we came across a local organic Community Orchard, filled with an incredible selection of apple trees, but also plums, damsons and quince. We were so very grateful to return home with our pockets filled - we baked two beautiful apple crumbles with our bounty. Surely every community should invest in creating orchards and other communal edible landscapes - what an abundant, healthy world this could be if such a simple practice was adopted by all.
Yesterday, out on a walk across from the cottage, we found two wild crab apple trees growing amidst the rocks and scrub grasses, their pale green apples littering the earth below them, enriching the soil and offering an abundance of food for wildlife.
Planting as many edible native trees and shrubs as possible, especially here in this very much deforested landscape, is one of our passions. We can only hope the seedlings will survive the harsh winds and sheep-grazing during their first few years of growth - and then be able to seed themselves in the future.
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Wild Apple Tree, Cumbria |
19 October 2013
Writing Into Winter
I had promised at the inception of this blog to also share poetry, literature and art, and with the autumn darkening into winter and the garden nearly all tucked away until spring, I've found myself venturing inside, returning more exclusively to the company of books and my writing desk.
Here, the view from my window is of fells covered in russet-orange bracken and gray stones, scree, the scars of sheep-paths through the grasses and a few solitary trees - rowan bright with red berries, ancient ash, and a fringe of willows growing alongside a small beck that marks the edge of the nearest field. Some days are like twilight from morning until evening; the sky close and gray, not even a crack of sunlight penetrating through.
And so my poem choices reflect this time of change and the beauty found in starkness.
Thomas A. Clark and Nina Bogin christen the cold walk towards winter.
where the path gives out
among glacial debris
droppings of mountain hares
above the cliffs above the sea
a great skua scolds from a rock
the hours drop away
winds blow up from nowhere
I forget my own shape
rowan scrub huddles
out of the biting wind
salix thrives in ravines
exposed ledges erode
I follow the wind furrows
it is cold the sky is clear
large contours spread before me
glitter of rock and water
high up the moor
is ringed with crags
dark presences that brood
or retire behind cloud
it is good to walk
for hours in the silence
good to sit for a while inside
the din of falling water
all day in shadow
in silence and cold
tumbled rocks piled up
a dance among disasters
at the head of the glen
ice crystals in grit
I climb onto the ledge
to leagues of light and air
today all the tints
of grey are nourished
by a gentle rain
each thing is extended
in tenderness beyond
its own outline
hill moistened into sky
birch into larch wood
on the edge of the forest
a moment of hesitation
the trees crowd together
the stillness is complete
am I bold enough to enter
the moment stretches out
deep moss beneath pines
a few shards of cold light
These first six stanzas are excerpted from the poem BEINN FUAR
from the collection "Tormentil and Bleached Bones" by Thomas A. Clark (1993)
The poem has twenty-four stanzas altogether.
For more information about the work of Tom and Laurie Clark, please visit: http://cairneditions.blogspot.co.uk/
Thick weave of winter. Skeins of brown
and dun. Wrapped in these
garments, the sky
heavy on our backs,
we stand in the rainfield
and make a covenant with the silence:
let us trample this trampled ground
as the long-eyed horses do,
go cross-field through rain
and ask for only
blue clouds, slow across
hilltops. Dark footholds of earth.
By Nina Bogin
From her collection "The Winter Orchards" (2001) published by Anvil Press.
Here, the view from my window is of fells covered in russet-orange bracken and gray stones, scree, the scars of sheep-paths through the grasses and a few solitary trees - rowan bright with red berries, ancient ash, and a fringe of willows growing alongside a small beck that marks the edge of the nearest field. Some days are like twilight from morning until evening; the sky close and gray, not even a crack of sunlight penetrating through.
And so my poem choices reflect this time of change and the beauty found in starkness.
Thomas A. Clark and Nina Bogin christen the cold walk towards winter.
where the path gives out
among glacial debris
droppings of mountain hares
above the cliffs above the sea
a great skua scolds from a rock
the hours drop away
winds blow up from nowhere
I forget my own shape
rowan scrub huddles
out of the biting wind
salix thrives in ravines
exposed ledges erode
I follow the wind furrows
it is cold the sky is clear
large contours spread before me
glitter of rock and water
high up the moor
is ringed with crags
dark presences that brood
or retire behind cloud
it is good to walk
for hours in the silence
good to sit for a while inside
the din of falling water
all day in shadow
in silence and cold
tumbled rocks piled up
a dance among disasters
at the head of the glen
ice crystals in grit
I climb onto the ledge
to leagues of light and air
today all the tints
of grey are nourished
by a gentle rain
each thing is extended
in tenderness beyond
its own outline
hill moistened into sky
birch into larch wood
on the edge of the forest
a moment of hesitation
the trees crowd together
the stillness is complete
am I bold enough to enter
the moment stretches out
deep moss beneath pines
a few shards of cold light
These first six stanzas are excerpted from the poem BEINN FUAR
from the collection "Tormentil and Bleached Bones" by Thomas A. Clark (1993)
The poem has twenty-four stanzas altogether.
For more information about the work of Tom and Laurie Clark, please visit: http://cairneditions.blogspot.co.uk/
Thick weave of winter. Skeins of brown
and dun. Wrapped in these
garments, the sky
heavy on our backs,
we stand in the rainfield
and make a covenant with the silence:
let us trample this trampled ground
as the long-eyed horses do,
go cross-field through rain
and ask for only
blue clouds, slow across
hilltops. Dark footholds of earth.
By Nina Bogin
From her collection "The Winter Orchards" (2001) published by Anvil Press.
18 August 2013
The Waning of the Light
The light has shifted, the days are cooler, and mist and rain are beginning to replace the sun and warmth of July. The summer is waning. But some beautiful wildflowers and wild fruits are now arising in the hedgerows, including Harebell, Fireweed, Yarrow, Devil's Bit Scabious and a plethora of ripening Blackberries. Elder berries and Wild Rose hips will soon be ready for gathering - they are both valuable ingredients for winter cough syrups and make delicious, vitamin-rich jellies or jams. We are seed collecting also, beginning with English Bluebell - their papery seedcasings are filled with minute shining black seeds. This beautiful native wildflower is becoming scarce due to the prolific nature of the imported Spanish Bluebell and the resulting hybrids, so we'll be spreading its seeds throughout the coming weeks.
We've also collected the seeds of Devil's Bit Scabious and are searching for those of Ragged Robin - both populations are in decline due to habitat loss, mainly stemming from modern agricultural practices and the draining of wetland environments. We've collected and sown seeds from Jack-by-the-hedge, also known as Hedge Garlic and Jack-in-the-bush, in a corner of our garden - its leaves and young flowerheads have a mild garlic flavour and can be added to salads or sandwiches or made into pesto. I will be posting more on this plant soon.
In the garden, the courgettes, or zucchinis, were an epiphany for us this year - such generous and prolific plants.
We grew four plants in large pots and they've given us about two dozen courgettes so far. We pick them when they are about 3 -4 inches in length. We discovered a wonderful recipe for zucchini bread (a cake really due to its sweetness) - the best we've ever tasted - and we've made several beautiful loaves with our own lovely produce plus as many local, organic ingredients as possible. Here's the recipe:
Courgette/Zucchini Bread Recipe
(Please note: We're using British measurements)
2 cups/300 gr plain unbleached organic flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp allspice or ginger
1 cup/150 gr organic sugar
2 large free range eggs, beaten
100 ml organic rapeseed or sunflower oil
250 gr of grated courgettes, with the skin left on
1/2 lemon, juiced
Dash of agave or honey
(You could also include 3/4 cup walnuts, and/or 1tsp organic vanilla extract.)
Pre-heat the oven to 150C/300F. Grease and flour a 9 X 5 inch loaf tin. (Alternately you can grease and then line with baking paper).
Sift the flour, salt, soda, baking powder, and spices into a large bowl. Whisk in the sugar.
Beat the eggs and rapeseed oil (plus vanilla extract if you're using it) together. Add the grated courgettes and lemon juice, then mix.
Stir the wet mixture into the dry mixture, mixing until well combined. Stir in the walnuts if you're using them and add honey or agave to taste.
Bake in the heated oven for 55 min - 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre of the loaf comes out clean. Allow to cool in the tin for about 15 minutes or so before turning out onto a wire rack to finish cooling. Delicious toasted and served warm with some cold butter, or with homemade jam.
Botanical names of wildflowers used in this post:
Devil's Bit Scabious; Succisa pratensis
Elder; Sambucus nigra
English (or Common Bluebell); Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Fireweed (or Rosebay Willow Herb); Chamerion (or Epilobium) angustifolium
Jack-by-the-hedge (or Hedge Garlic; Jack-in-the-bush); Alliaria petiolata
Harebell; Campanula rotundifolia
Ragged Robin; Lychnis flos-cuculi
Rowan; Sorbus aucuparia
Wild Rose (or Dog-rose); Rosa canina
Yarrow; Achillia millefolium
1 August 2013
The First Small Harvests
We are surrounded also by wild brambles, or blackberries, which are now in flower and covered each day with buzzing insects - bees, hoverflies, flies, butterflies and countless others which I have yet to identify.
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Mangetout blossom |
I wanted to share a little more about how we're gardening. Since we opted to expand our container garden this year, we've had to buy about ten bags of peat-free, organic compost. But we've been composting our kitchen and garden waste since arriving here, and hope to have our own source of compost soon. We mulch everything. This both keeps down on weeds, and conserves water in the soil. I collect spent bracken stalks and leaves for mulch, plus I use grass clippings (before it goes to seed) which I spread thinly over the garden. It dries quickly and makes a light, useful mulch. I've also mixed in sheep's wool around the edges of the garden beds - we live in sheep country, so there is plenty of wool strewn about the fields. I've been told it also has the added benefit of deterring slugs - it seems to be working, though I suspect that the weeks of warmth and sunshine have been the true deterrents... and perhaps also the resident frog that we see each evening in the garden...
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Courgettes (Zucchini) in Container |
Our water is piped in directly off of the fell, and though there is of course plenty of rain here, we are still very keen on water collection. For this purpose we are using a large green bin in the field garden and several smaller buckets in the container garden. I'm also making nettle 'tea' for fertilising in another bucket - I fill up the bucket with nettles, add water and let it sit for a few weeks - this solution, diluted and added to the watering can, is a good source of nitrogen for the garden (which supports stem and leaf growth), with trace amounts of iron, magnesium and sulphur also. It is particularly helpful for plants grown in containers which need their soil regularly topped up with nutrients. If I was growing comfrey, I would be doing the same with it - it is especially useful for flower and fruit production due to its potash content.
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Freshly harvested Courgettes |
Our courgettes are growing especially well - I grew them from seed and now have four containers full - which I hope will be enough for two adults. I'm picking them every few days now, when they are about 4 inches long. We're using them both raw and cooked, and are about to experiment with making both bread and muffins with them.
Gardening, and the gathering of wild foods, by their very nature, bring us into alignment with the seasons. Eating seasonally - having access to vitamin-rich, freshly picked fruits and vegetables, experiencing flavours and textures that are entirely different from what we can purchase at the supermarket, and saving countless food miles by growing as much as we can within our own backyard - this is both a revelation and a joy.
15 July 2013
A Practice of Observation
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Lesser Stitchwort | Herb Robert with Bracken |
The spring began with Hairy Bittercress, Nettles, Cleavers, Wild garlic, Bluebells and Herb Robert. Then Mouse Ear Chickweed, Pignut and Stitchworts began to cover the fields, soon joined by Cotton grass, Buttercups, Foxgloves, Red Campion, Curled Dock, Jack-by-the-Hedge and Sorrel to name but a few.
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Beck-side Umbellifer | The roadside towards home. |
Discovering the local plant life is a continuous practice of observation. As I try to uncover the possible medicinal or edible aspects of one plant, it - seemingly as quickly as it arrived - is going to seed, and being replaced by entirely new plants as the seasons progress.
As the weeks pass, I'm having to adjust my presumptions about what is here - and what I'm able to gather for food or medicine - just as I have to adjust my gardening practices to suit this soil, weather, flora and fauna.
I must learn from what already flourishes here; observing what grows, what conditions dominate, what is able to thrive - and in so doing, adapt my practices and behaviours to, hopefully, thrive here also.
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Harebell | Ragged Robin |
A list of Common and Botanical names used in this post:
Bluebell; Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Bramble or Blackberry; Rubus fruticosus
Buttercup, Bulbous; Ranunculus bulbosus
Buttercup, Creeping; Ranunculus repens
Buttercup, Meadow; Ranunculus acris
Cleavers; Galium aparine
Cotton grass or Bog cotton; Eriophorum angustifolium
Curled or Yellow Dock; Rumex crispus
Foxglove; Digitalis purpurea
Hairy Bittercress; Cardamine hirsuta
Harebell; Campanula rotundifolia
Herb Robert; Geranium robertianum
Jack-by-the-hedge or Garlic Mustard; Alliaria petiolata
Mouse Ear Chickweed; Cerastium fontanum
Nettle; Urtica dioica
Pignut or Earthnut; Conopodium majus
Ragged Robin; Lychnis flos-cuculi
Red Campion; Silene dioica
Sorrel, Common; Rumex acetosa
Stitchwort, Greater; Stellaria holostea
Stitchwort, Lesser; Stellaria graminea
Wild garlic or Ramsons; Allium ursinum
9 July 2013
"A Veritable Medicine Chest"
When one is collecting wild plants for food or medicine, it can be alarming how short the window of opportunity may be. The seasons and the weather may shift swiftly or unexpectedly, and the chance to gather a vital medicine may be lost for another year. This year nearly everything has blossomed late due to an extended winter and harsh spring. Here in the fells we'd been waiting patiently for the Elders (Sambucus nigra) to flower - and then suddenly they did - but amidst the damp and rain - which doesn't bode well for collecting. But luckily in the past week, dry, sunny weather has arrived, and so out we went in search of Elder blossoms, both to dry for tea and to use fresh for making cordial.
Elder is a most remarkable tree. It was one of the first plant medicines to enter into my life, and is still a constant companion. David Hoffman, author of The New Holistic Herbal, writes "The Elder tree is a veritable medicine chest...". These words have forever stayed with me (as has Hoffman's Herbal). He goes on: "The leaves are used primarily for bruises, sprains, wounds and chilblains. It has been reported that Elder Leaves may be useful in an ointment for tumours. Elder Flowers are ideal for the treatment of colds and influenza. They are indicated in any catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract such as hayfever and sinusitis. Catarrhal deafness responds well to Elder Flowers. Elder Berries have similar properties to the Flowers with the addition of their usefulness in rheumatism."
The bark, flowers, berries and leaves can all be used medicinally. In addition, the blossoms can be prepared as fritters, made into a refreshing, tonic cordial, and the berries can be used for making wine, jams, chutneys and vinegars.
According to Hoffman, the actions of the various parts of Elder are as follows:
"Bark: Purgative, emetic, diuretic.
Leaves: Externally emollient and vulnerary, internally as purgative, expectorant, diuretic and diaphoretic.
Flowers: Diaphoretic, anti-catarrhal.
Berries: Diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative."
There are other herbals that cite Elder as having tonic and alterative properties as well. (See glossary below for definitions of these and other terms used.)
Here is a wonderful quote in praise of the Elder from English herbalist and diarist John Evelyn (1620-1706) :
"If the medicinal properties of its leaves, bark and berries were fully known, I cannot tell what our countryman could ail for which he might not fetch a remedy from every hedge, either for sickness or wounds."
Personally, I like to take the flowers as a spring tonic and blood purifier. They promote blood circulation and sweating; this is their diaphoretic quality, which means they aid the body in eliminating toxins through the skin by promoting perspiration. They are also diuretic, which means they assist in the elimination of toxins through increased urination. Both of these actions are helpful for bringing the body out of illness or weakness and into balance, especially after a long, cold winter. Along with other tonic plants found in the spring and early summer such as Nettles, Cleavers, Dandelion and Hawthorn to name but a few, Elder flowers assist us to purify and revitalise the body.
Please note that I have barely touched upon the virtues and abilities of Elder in this short post - only hinting at the contents of this "veritable medicine chest"...
Most of the definitions I have used here are extracted from The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman, 1990 (Third Edition), ISBN 1-85230-193-7.
Alterative: These are herbs that will gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. They were at one time known as 'blood cleansers'.
Anti-catarrhal: These assist the body in removing excess catarrhal buildups, in the sinuses or elsewhere. They also help reduce the rate of production of mucus.
Diaphoretic: Diaphoretics aid the skin in the elimination of toxins and promote perspiration.
Diuretic: These increase secretion and elimination of urine.
Emetic: Emetics promote vomiting.
Emollient: Emollients are applied to the skin to soften, soothe or protect it.
Expectorant: The expectorants support the body in the removal of excess amounts of mucus from the respiratory system.
Laxative: These promote evacuation of the bowels.
Purgative: Strongly laxative in effect.
Tonic: The tonic herbs strengthen and enliven either specific organs or the whole body.
Vulnerary: Vulneraries are applied externally and aid the body in the healing of wounds or cuts.
Elder is a most remarkable tree. It was one of the first plant medicines to enter into my life, and is still a constant companion. David Hoffman, author of The New Holistic Herbal, writes "The Elder tree is a veritable medicine chest...". These words have forever stayed with me (as has Hoffman's Herbal). He goes on: "The leaves are used primarily for bruises, sprains, wounds and chilblains. It has been reported that Elder Leaves may be useful in an ointment for tumours. Elder Flowers are ideal for the treatment of colds and influenza. They are indicated in any catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract such as hayfever and sinusitis. Catarrhal deafness responds well to Elder Flowers. Elder Berries have similar properties to the Flowers with the addition of their usefulness in rheumatism."
The bark, flowers, berries and leaves can all be used medicinally. In addition, the blossoms can be prepared as fritters, made into a refreshing, tonic cordial, and the berries can be used for making wine, jams, chutneys and vinegars.
According to Hoffman, the actions of the various parts of Elder are as follows:
"Bark: Purgative, emetic, diuretic.
Leaves: Externally emollient and vulnerary, internally as purgative, expectorant, diuretic and diaphoretic.
Flowers: Diaphoretic, anti-catarrhal.
Berries: Diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative."
There are other herbals that cite Elder as having tonic and alterative properties as well. (See glossary below for definitions of these and other terms used.)
Here is a wonderful quote in praise of the Elder from English herbalist and diarist John Evelyn (1620-1706) :
"If the medicinal properties of its leaves, bark and berries were fully known, I cannot tell what our countryman could ail for which he might not fetch a remedy from every hedge, either for sickness or wounds."
Personally, I like to take the flowers as a spring tonic and blood purifier. They promote blood circulation and sweating; this is their diaphoretic quality, which means they aid the body in eliminating toxins through the skin by promoting perspiration. They are also diuretic, which means they assist in the elimination of toxins through increased urination. Both of these actions are helpful for bringing the body out of illness or weakness and into balance, especially after a long, cold winter. Along with other tonic plants found in the spring and early summer such as Nettles, Cleavers, Dandelion and Hawthorn to name but a few, Elder flowers assist us to purify and revitalise the body.
Please note that I have barely touched upon the virtues and abilities of Elder in this short post - only hinting at the contents of this "veritable medicine chest"...
Most of the definitions I have used here are extracted from The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman, 1990 (Third Edition), ISBN 1-85230-193-7.
Alterative: These are herbs that will gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. They were at one time known as 'blood cleansers'.
Anti-catarrhal: These assist the body in removing excess catarrhal buildups, in the sinuses or elsewhere. They also help reduce the rate of production of mucus.
Diaphoretic: Diaphoretics aid the skin in the elimination of toxins and promote perspiration.
Diuretic: These increase secretion and elimination of urine.
Emetic: Emetics promote vomiting.
Emollient: Emollients are applied to the skin to soften, soothe or protect it.
Expectorant: The expectorants support the body in the removal of excess amounts of mucus from the respiratory system.
Laxative: These promote evacuation of the bowels.
Purgative: Strongly laxative in effect.
Tonic: The tonic herbs strengthen and enliven either specific organs or the whole body.
Vulnerary: Vulneraries are applied externally and aid the body in the healing of wounds or cuts.
1 July 2013
"I Burn"
Last year we had a small patch of nettles growing up on the fell behind the house, so I cleared around it and cut back the brambles which grow everywhere here. This year the patch has expanded beautifully. We love nettles for their young tops and fresh green leaves - these are rich in vitamin C, minerals, including iron, and protein, and can be eaten as a spring vegetable, steamed, or added to soups and stews. We like them in pasta and potato dishes.
More importantly however, nettles are a valuable source of food and habitation for more than 40 species of insect here, including the caterpillars of several butterflies such as the Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock.
Here in Britain the loss of wildflowers and wild meadows is a considerable threat to the welfare of many pollinating insects, which of course effects the entire ecosystem - including the health of orchards, gardens and farms everywhere. All are connnected. I try to think about this when I'm 'weeding'. Though I want my own crops to do well and to flourish, I practice permaculture principles, which to me is a new name for old wisdom, and leave masses of space for wild plants to flourish. I don't 'tidy' too much, and hope that wildlife will also thrive in the spaces that I'm choosing to garden.
I came across my first common toad in the garden a few nights ago, and today, a common frog!
A few facts about Stinging or Common Nettles (Urtica dioica):
Their generic name 'Urtica' stems from the Latin 'uro', meaning "I burn" or 'urere', "to burn."
Their common name 'nettle' stems from the Anglo-Saxon 'noedle', meaning 'needle', which may refer either to the fine stinging hairs found upon the stems and leaves or to its use in making cordage or thread, which was once a widespread practice in western Europe.
A small excerpt from A History of Herbal Plants by Richard Le Strange:
"The stem fibre of the plant was also spun coarse or fine and woven into rough or fine cloths, sailcloth, sacking and table linen, or was spun into rope or twine for fishing nets. A green colouring matter extracted from the leaves was once a popular wool dye, while the roots boiled with salt or alum yielded a beautiful yellow, for use on yarn...
The dried herb... makes excellent fodder, increasing egg and milk yields. Chopped up fresh it was at one time added to feed, to make the animals' coats and eyes shine."
Medicinally nettles have a wealth of applications. They are astringent, diuretic and tonic. They support and strengthen, cleanse and purify our whole body. They are considered a specific for skin conditions, especially eczema in all of its forms. The aerial parts of the herb are used, collected when the flowers are in bloom.
As well as all of this, in late summer nettles produce huge quantities of seed, providing a valuable source of food for many of our seed eating birds.
Such an incredibly productive and generous plant - it's time to head out and weed the nettle beds...
More importantly however, nettles are a valuable source of food and habitation for more than 40 species of insect here, including the caterpillars of several butterflies such as the Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock.
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) |
I came across my first common toad in the garden a few nights ago, and today, a common frog!
A few facts about Stinging or Common Nettles (Urtica dioica):
Their generic name 'Urtica' stems from the Latin 'uro', meaning "I burn" or 'urere', "to burn."
Their common name 'nettle' stems from the Anglo-Saxon 'noedle', meaning 'needle', which may refer either to the fine stinging hairs found upon the stems and leaves or to its use in making cordage or thread, which was once a widespread practice in western Europe.
Hedgerow plants near our house, including Nettles, Herb robert, Cleavers and Tormentil |
A small excerpt from A History of Herbal Plants by Richard Le Strange:
"The stem fibre of the plant was also spun coarse or fine and woven into rough or fine cloths, sailcloth, sacking and table linen, or was spun into rope or twine for fishing nets. A green colouring matter extracted from the leaves was once a popular wool dye, while the roots boiled with salt or alum yielded a beautiful yellow, for use on yarn...
The dried herb... makes excellent fodder, increasing egg and milk yields. Chopped up fresh it was at one time added to feed, to make the animals' coats and eyes shine."
Medicinally nettles have a wealth of applications. They are astringent, diuretic and tonic. They support and strengthen, cleanse and purify our whole body. They are considered a specific for skin conditions, especially eczema in all of its forms. The aerial parts of the herb are used, collected when the flowers are in bloom.
As well as all of this, in late summer nettles produce huge quantities of seed, providing a valuable source of food for many of our seed eating birds.
Such an incredibly productive and generous plant - it's time to head out and weed the nettle beds...
27 June 2013
Cuckoo Flower
I've found Cuckoo Flower, or Lady's Smock (Cardamine praetensis) growing in the garden. It's a beautiful native wildflower which is both edible and medicinal.
Cuckoo Flower is rich in Vitamin C and minerals, including potassium, iron and magnesium, and can be eaten as a salad plant or taken as a tea. The fresh, aerial parts are used, i.e the young leaves, shoots and flowers. Because of its high levels of Vitamin C, it is a useful antiscorbutic, which means having the effect of preventing or curing scurvy.
Here is a lovely description from Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal from 1653:
"Ladies-Smock, or Cuckow-Flower:
Place : They grow in moist places, and near to brooksides.
Time : They flower in April and May, and the lower leaves continue green all the Winter.
Government and virtues : They are under the dominion of the Moon, and very little inferior to Water Cresses in all their operations; they are excellently good for the scurvy, they provoke urine, and break the stone, and excellently warm a cold and weak stomach, restoring lost appetite, and help digestion."
Discovering such unexpected flora is yet another aspect to the joy of gardening wild. I'm trying to be very mindful while creating this garden - I want it to be a place rich in wildlife, as well as a place to grow our food. This beautiful wildflower is a wonderful example of what is already here, and what could too easily be dug up or 'weeded' out.
As there are only about half a dozen of them at the moment, I'm leaving their little area totally wild, and as they are perennials, I'm hopeful even more will come back next year.
Cuckoo Flower is rich in Vitamin C and minerals, including potassium, iron and magnesium, and can be eaten as a salad plant or taken as a tea. The fresh, aerial parts are used, i.e the young leaves, shoots and flowers. Because of its high levels of Vitamin C, it is a useful antiscorbutic, which means having the effect of preventing or curing scurvy.
Here is a lovely description from Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal from 1653:
"Ladies-Smock, or Cuckow-Flower:
Place : They grow in moist places, and near to brooksides.
Time : They flower in April and May, and the lower leaves continue green all the Winter.
Government and virtues : They are under the dominion of the Moon, and very little inferior to Water Cresses in all their operations; they are excellently good for the scurvy, they provoke urine, and break the stone, and excellently warm a cold and weak stomach, restoring lost appetite, and help digestion."
Discovering such unexpected flora is yet another aspect to the joy of gardening wild. I'm trying to be very mindful while creating this garden - I want it to be a place rich in wildlife, as well as a place to grow our food. This beautiful wildflower is a wonderful example of what is already here, and what could too easily be dug up or 'weeded' out.
As there are only about half a dozen of them at the moment, I'm leaving their little area totally wild, and as they are perennials, I'm hopeful even more will come back next year.
25 June 2013
A Garden In Progress
We've been living here in the uplands of Cumbria for about 18 months now, and we've learned, though a disastrous previous year, how much the rainfall and wind effects, and checks, plant growth. Last year was distastrous for gardening and farming in much of Britain, so we certainly weren't on our own. Observing which crops survived last year, through the most difficult of conditions, has definitely influenced planting this year. Potatoes, which we planted pretty much straight out onto the fells behind the house, did really well, particularly the earlies. After that, the lack of sunlight and levels of rainfall effected the yields quite significantly, though we did still manage a few small crops in pots. Garlic and onions also did well, as did greens that we protected in a small greenhouse - but greens outside of containers were devastated by slugs and struggled in the waterlogged soil. Broad beans and mangetout (also known as snow or sugar peas) cropped about a month late, but we did get a small harvest from the container grown plants. We began a small field garden last year also, which pretty much completely flooded, and all of the plants except for a few potatoes in the highest rows of the garden were lost.
this year, we're sticking with what we've learned - we've expanded the
container garden, planting garlic, potatoes, strawberries, mangetout,
broad beans (both dwarf and standard varieties), yarrow, mint, chives,
nasturtiums and jerusalum artichokes (last year these died from too much
damp and extreme winds, so this year I dug up the tubers and planted
them in pots - and they've grown beautifully!) We also have plenty of
greens on the go including mizuna, mibuna, garlic mustard, rocket and
various lettuces. They can now be better protected from the wind, and moved into the sun when necessary.
We're going to try again with the field garden, but with a few changes - we've chosen to plant only at the top of the garden, as it is on a slight slope, and we've raised up the soil level in the beds also. We've planted early potatoes, onions, beetroot, a few carrots to see how they'll fare in our quite heavy clay soil, spring onions, and nasturtiums, both for the ground cover they'll hopefully provide, and for their peppery young leaves and delicious flowerheads. We've collected dried bracken stalks from the surrounding fells to use as a mulch.
We had let the field garden go completely wild through the winter as we didn't think we'd be using it again. Of course, it became filled with Curled or Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus), Stinging or Common Nettles (Urtica dioica) and various grasses. I've left the docks and nettles pretty much alone, only pulling up those which were in the spaces where I wanted to make beds. I've found that docks around the edges of the garden are a wonderful buffer against the insistent winds - I'm using them in the same way I would a shrub-layer, for protection of the young plants. And in the areas where I've pulled them the soil is now crumbly and beautiful, compared to the sticky clay of last year. Their deep roots have vastly aerated and improved the soil. The young leaves are edible and have a tart, lemony taste, bitter for some - due to oxalic acid - so caution should be used when consuming them.
Stinging nettles are an important food source and habitat for the caterpillars of many butterflies and moths, and the young tops are delicious as a steamed, wild green. Both Curled Dock and Nettle are valuable medicines. I'll be posting more on both plants soon.
We're going to try again with the field garden, but with a few changes - we've chosen to plant only at the top of the garden, as it is on a slight slope, and we've raised up the soil level in the beds also. We've planted early potatoes, onions, beetroot, a few carrots to see how they'll fare in our quite heavy clay soil, spring onions, and nasturtiums, both for the ground cover they'll hopefully provide, and for their peppery young leaves and delicious flowerheads. We've collected dried bracken stalks from the surrounding fells to use as a mulch.
We had let the field garden go completely wild through the winter as we didn't think we'd be using it again. Of course, it became filled with Curled or Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus), Stinging or Common Nettles (Urtica dioica) and various grasses. I've left the docks and nettles pretty much alone, only pulling up those which were in the spaces where I wanted to make beds. I've found that docks around the edges of the garden are a wonderful buffer against the insistent winds - I'm using them in the same way I would a shrub-layer, for protection of the young plants. And in the areas where I've pulled them the soil is now crumbly and beautiful, compared to the sticky clay of last year. Their deep roots have vastly aerated and improved the soil. The young leaves are edible and have a tart, lemony taste, bitter for some - due to oxalic acid - so caution should be used when consuming them.
Stinging nettles are an important food source and habitat for the caterpillars of many butterflies and moths, and the young tops are delicious as a steamed, wild green. Both Curled Dock and Nettle are valuable medicines. I'll be posting more on both plants soon.
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Curled Dock and Nettles surrounding the potato beds. |
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Potatoes & Onions plus Beetroot under bracken mulch |
21 June 2013
Here in the Cumbrian Fells of northern England we are experimenting with ways of living more in harmony with our landscape. We moved to the uplands 18 months ago, to a small stone cottage in a steep valley, where the winds can be near-constant and furious - but when the sun does shine it is a truly incredible landscape to be in. For some time now my husband and I have been wanting to live more sustainably. I've been studying organic and permaculture principles and wanted to begin implementing them, particularly in the area of food growing. I'm also a writer and lay herbalist, so in addition to the more practical aspects of sustainable living, thoughts upon poetics and medicine gathering, art, landscape and folklore, will also make their way into these posts.
Some points to be taken into consideration regarding our land use:
1) We are trying to do as much as possible for free, finding what we need on websites like Freecycle, and through second-hand or charity shops.
2) We try to supply as many of our needs as possible from what is already in the local environment i.e water, mulch material, wild foods, medicinal plants, and composts/fertilizers.
3) As we rent our cottage, we are somewhat proscribed in how we can alter the land, such as building structures, fences or windbreaks.
My hope is that these writings will be a way to share our experiences of living in this quite harsh, rugged and mostly deforested landscape, and that some of the information may be useful for others who are trying to grow and thrive in similar climates or conditions.
Becoming a part of any place should increase our respect for, and our awe of, its unique characteristics. Through exploring this environment and sharing what I find, as well as revealing what has been lost, by trying to live here harmoniously and as sustainably as possible, by growing food and collecting medicine, I hope to deepen my connection to, and understanding of, the place where I am living.
Some points to be taken into consideration regarding our land use:
1) We are trying to do as much as possible for free, finding what we need on websites like Freecycle, and through second-hand or charity shops.
2) We try to supply as many of our needs as possible from what is already in the local environment i.e water, mulch material, wild foods, medicinal plants, and composts/fertilizers.
3) As we rent our cottage, we are somewhat proscribed in how we can alter the land, such as building structures, fences or windbreaks.
My hope is that these writings will be a way to share our experiences of living in this quite harsh, rugged and mostly deforested landscape, and that some of the information may be useful for others who are trying to grow and thrive in similar climates or conditions.
Becoming a part of any place should increase our respect for, and our awe of, its unique characteristics. Through exploring this environment and sharing what I find, as well as revealing what has been lost, by trying to live here harmoniously and as sustainably as possible, by growing food and collecting medicine, I hope to deepen my connection to, and understanding of, the place where I am living.
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